Matthew Clairmont, daemons, vampire sex, and midlife crises
Today, Deborah Harkness appeared with Victoria Schwab and Sarah Pinborough at Waterstones Piccadilly's 'Imagined London' event. What follows is what we've been able to collect from information live tweeted during the event....
AllSoulsCon is announced!
How thrilling is this news? Today, Deborah Harkness announced the first AllSoulsCon to take place on September 12, 2015. What is the AllSoulsCon? According to the event's website: "AllSoulsCon is a one-day convention celebrating Deborah Harkness‘s masterpiece, All...
Episode 1: It begins…
Welcome and thank you for listening to our very first episode of The All Souls Podcast! We are so happy to have you, and we hope you continue to join us as we explore this fascinating series together. This podcast is produced by only two fans, but its intention is to...
The All Souls Trilogy–A Penguin Re-Read
Like we really ever need an excuse to re-read a book or series we love... But it's things like this that make such a re-read So Much Fun! Will you be joining the All Souls Trilogy re-read on GoodReads.com? Let us know! Leave a comment below and tell us if you'll be...
All about that voice…
Of course we mean Jennifer Ikeda, the Julliard-trained actor who so smashingly performs the audiobook narration of Deborah Harkness' All Souls Trilogy. We will all be hearing more from her (literally and figuratively), but just today, the NYC-based thespian announced...
What All Souls Trilogy fans want… what they really, really want
Thank you for your responses! Thus far, you have told us that you'd like us to include the following in our show (and potentially on our blog): Comparative vampire mythology and why Deborah Harkness (DEH) chose aspects she did, and how it affects the story Alchemical...
Once more unto the breach
We love a good story. We love to talk about a good story. But what's better than reading or even talking about a good story? Reading AND talking about a good story written by an intelligent author. You may be familiar with our other podcast called The Outlander...